
Power Testing

A project log for PiCB-TFT

bundles a tft and a pi zero, with access to lots of gpio!

mooseprmoosepr 03/21/2017 at 10:060 Comments

So i thought i would do the obligatory power test on the new board

we are running a new Zero W, with wifi and bluetooth on, keyboard and mouse attached via the bluetooth (microsoft wedge)

fired up firefox and clicked the first youtube video to keep the cpu at full tilt, and the most i saw on the power meter was 0.26ma

sat idle on the desktop was flitting round the 0.13ma mark

had it on while installling the xserver and xfce desktop environment, and some playing, and its only used just over 300mah in just under 2 hours

now even if my previous tests showing the guage is about 10% out, thats still not bad!!!!
