
Config #1

A project log for Almost Perpetual Motion

a no (wishful, but it's gonna be close) emission motor

actualdragonActualDragon 04/18/2017 at 12:331 Comment

FAIL!!! Turns out the magnets create pockets if one is just a little off. The magnet attached to the rod on the inside will sit in these pockets and won't turn. XD Now begins the search for cylindrical magnets. :( Any feedback would be greatly appreciated! thx


Yann Guidon / YGDES wrote 04/24/2017 at 11:26 point

That's the power of experiments : compare the models we make with "what happens in the complex reality".

You gain "experience" and reconsider your model, adjust your next experiments according to what you learned.

And you start again :-)

I hope the knowledge you gain will be useful !

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