

A child seat sensor and alarm using BTLE, and energy harvesting methods to alert caregivers of forgotten children.

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According to, on average since 1998, 38 children die every year due to heatstroke in a vehicle. 51% were 'forgotten' by the caregiver.

Using bluetooth low energy (BTLE) to establish a link to the caregivers smart phone, and energy harvesting methods to provide power, the device will alert a caregiver that a child's car seat is still occupied when they have left the area.

With the power supply being supplied by a passive energy harvesting method, the device can be integrated completely into the car seat, with no need for a plug into the car's power outlet.

By using BTLE, the energy requirement is reduced, and the device becomes accessible to larger audience.

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Arik wrote 04/25/2017 at 07:49 point

Hey Kiltjim, I saw your ForgetMeNot project. I am building a similar system. It is called #Fochica - Forgotten Child in Car Alert. Please take a look, maybe you will like it. P.S. when you say "a passive energy harvesting method", do you mean solar?

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