
Looking for 4G phones on Limesuite

A project log for Cell Phone 4G LTE Repeater / Booster / Femtocell

An outside pole mounted aerial picks up 4G signals which are then filtered, amplified and re-transmitted through a second inside aerial.

capt-flatus-oflahertyCapt. Flatus O'Flaherty ☠ 05/10/2017 at 17:050 Comments

Having found a 4G phone on GQRX I'm now taking it to another piece of software that can eventually pull a list of register settings to be uploaded to an Arduino for control of the LimeSDR repeater via SPI when/if it actually starts to work properly!

Problems that I discovered in this test is that the receiver gain on channel B is set way too high and that the bandwidth of the whole system is probably set a bit too low.
