
Rowdy Pix

Captures spontaneous moments triggered by above average room noise

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Captures spontaneous moments triggered by above average room noise.
Using a Raspberry Pi Zero W and a PS3 EYE pictures are taken when peak noise in the room is above average. Letting everyone sit back and relax , not having to worry about having their phone out to capture the right moment.
Using Raspberry pi Cam V2 now


  • Raspberry Pi Zero W
  • PS3 EYE for mic and camera ( can use what ever you want)
  • Python skill: PyAudio, audioo, pygame

Average room noise is calculated by capturing the rms with audioo.
If a new rms value is greater than the average rms by a percentage as picture capture.


  • Have a floating threshold for when to capture the picture
  • Have it take picture or videos on voice command
  • Only take picture if there are faces
  • Take pictures when 80% > of the people in the room are smiling.
  • daemonize and work on startup
  • Upload to external service and delete images of Pi

  • 1 × Raspberry pi Zero W
  • 1 × Raspberry pi Cam v2
  • 1 × PS3 EYE used for mic and camera (Only Mic now)

View all 2 project logs

  • 1
    Step 1

    Get your raspberry pi up and running with PS3EYE for the mic and camera. If you have the camera get the mic working.

    You can get the device info by running the python code provided in the source.

    it may spit out a bunch of warnings.
    You'll know if its working of the image folder has images in it. If you monitor the output you will see it say picture taken.

    More details to come.

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