
Address decoding

A project log for One-instruction TTL Computer

A breadboard-able computer which uses only a single instruction - MOVE

justin-davisJustin Davis 04/27/2017 at 18:023 Comments

I assumed address decoding will use EEPROMs. I mean, I will need to decode the 8-bit source and destination addresses into read and write lines. I hope I could find a 256x16 or 256x32 EEPROM, but this is by far too small for these days. I have found the AT28C64B EEPROM, but it is 8K x 8. That's 12 address bits (4 extra). And only 8 bits out. And it's an active device. Unfortunately Atmel doesn't have a 16-bit output EEPROM. I'm not sure how many of these I will need until I'm mostly done with the design, but it's my current plan.

I'd prefer not to drop to a PLD or PLA. It feels a little like cheating even though these chips existed in the 80s. Not that there is a big difference in these vs. an EEPROM for address decoding. I'll think on it more.

It's just so easy in an FPGA: loadAluA <= '0' when dstAddr=x"3F" else '1';


Yann Guidon / YGDES wrote 04/27/2017 at 20:14 point

I invested in a bunch of 1M×16 Flash chips but they are SMT parts... Check #DYPLED :-)

Irony : the parts cost much less than the adapter PCB...

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Justin Davis wrote 04/27/2017 at 20:50 point

I may change to a 16-bit output chip and just not connect most of the address pins.  However, this specific chip is obsolete.  I'm sure there are others just like it still active.  Finding ones with parallel interfaces is getting harder though

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Yann Guidon / YGDES wrote 04/27/2017 at 20:55 point

And programming is another story...

I might have seen 16-bits EPROMs but I wouldn't use them. The type of Flash chip I use is more convenient (faster erase) despite the required adapters...

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