
New controller model

A project log for Non-Invasive Alzheimer's Light Therapy Devices

A host of IoT devices aimed at helping administer light therapy treatment to Alzheimer's patients (based on MIT study)

adellar-irankundaAdellar Irankunda 05/11/2017 at 23:500 Comments

Thankfully, the bulk of my exams are over and so now I can focus on my projects again (YESSS ;p). Today, I was able to update the 3-D model of the controller to reflect the new design (as seen in the images of the controller). I will most likely post the 3-D model for the ESP case on the glasses and the standalone light tomorrow (5/11/2017). The images aren't rendered yet, but I'm just hoping on finishing the look of the models before I add any texture or renders to them (for now just use your imagination and envision the models in color). Hopefully, this weekend or this upcomming week, I will put out the rendered images so that you can put your imagination to rest. An image of the new model is below and it consists of the controller case with a lid under it (open it to put the circuit in and close it after, you know how it goes).
