
Arduino Speedometer Tester

Speed measurement test in KPH using Arduino Uno and National Instrument (VISA)

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Im trying to make simple speedometer tester using Arduino Uno and Labview.

Im using Arduino Uno to read analog data from Infra Red sensor, then transfer it to Lab View.

So there's 2 source code that i made, first on arduino to read the pulse from the sensor and calculate the speed.

For calculating session, theres 3 step of calculating process.

First session is to find Rotation Per Second (RPS)

The second session is to calculate Rotation Per Minute (RPM)

And the last is to calculate KPH

In labview, im using VISA packages so my laptop can read serial data that has been calculated by arduino.

The entire data that transfered betwen my laptop and arduino is only integer data, and i just keep the KPH data only. So in the user interface, there's only show the KPH it self.

For the output, im using save report mode so i can get the final result in word document then save it to my pc.

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