
Probably most of you are familiar with breadboard.

Basically breadboard it is a universal prototyping area with electrical connection inside the board where you can create, and quite fast evaluate whether your schematic idea make a sens.


After you are read with your prototype maybe you would like to transfer your work for something more permanent but not to dedicatet PCB which require usualy lot o work when you are making your design, dealing with supplier of the pcb, documentation and other things around.

When do you need something "just right now" Breadboard PCB become an ideal solution.


Simple Breadboard PCB is designed to make transferring components easy to something more solid and well thought-out board layout allowed to do this and saves your time.


This prototype board takes the layout of a classic breadboard but allowed you to transfer your work for something more solid then just a bunch of the wire floting around with the risk that your prototype will stop working whether you not expect. The breadboard setup connections makes a clean layout without having to make too many jumpers.

Making a small research around my electronic enginier colegues and base on my experience with creation all typy of diferent prototypes, we come up with this Breadboard PCB idea trying to craft very handy tool for a dayli work with electronis prototypes.

Generally prototyping board pcb coming up in 3 version.

First Breadboard PCB takes the layout of a classic breadboard.


Second for smaller projects which is half of breadboard size.


And this realy small but very useful quater of standard breadboard, which can fit in to something realy small like a temperature sensor, humidity sensor or WiFi module like a ESP8266 and similar, depend from your needs.


Standard type of connection on Breadboard PCB

First of all Breadboard PCB has this standard vertical connection done on the bottom side(so you can cut strip of the wire for smaller group, this could not be done on standard breadboard because connection are done with metal strip inside a plastic cover.

Strip on bottom_Protoboard_half__size_top_AwesomePCB

Silkscrean description on Breadboard PCB

When you are in the middle of the design, or even worse than someone interrupt you, you can lost an idea where you are. Silkscreen on two sides of protoboard allowed you quite fast and easy recognize where you are with design.Silkscreen top_Protoboard_half_size_AwesomePCB

Just flip side and you will get instantly the same information on the bottom side of this Breadboard PCB.Silkscreen bottom_Protoboard_half_size_AwesomePCB

Power supply connectors on Breadboard PCB

Second thing which is quite nice and unique about Breadboard PCB that it has this power supply connector on it. On the one corner you will find the same connector like it is used for example in Arduino UNO or Arduino Mega.

DC connector_Protoboard_full_size_top_AwesomePCB

On the left down corner you will find a place for terminal block screw connector, so you can fairly fast adapt your prototype whether you have cables.


Both connectors can be used at the same time or only one of them depend what would you need and what do you have in your stock of electronic components when you are making your prototype.

Protoboard_half_size_top_DC_and_Block_ thermianal_connector_AwesomePCB

Power supply rails on Breadboard PCB

In the standard breadboard you will find also two power supply rails, on up and down edge of the breadboard. Here is the same but with one more advantage than with drop of tin you can basically connect top rail with bottom rail of power supply by bridge. Depend what you will need you can connect only minus "-" or only plus "+" or both at the same time. This can be done without any cable line in standard beadboard.


Support connector for Raspberry Pi on Breadboard PCB

Great thing about this prototyping board is that it have support connector for Raspberry Pi.


On standard breadboard you are not able to connect directly Raspberry Pi, because Raspberry Pi have rast between pins 0.1 inch on 2x20 connector, and on standard breadboard there is 0.3 inch between pins.

Breadboard PCB_0.1inch vs 0.3 inch_AwesomePCB

With protoboard PCB it is simple, raster of the pins is adjusted for Raspberry Pi 2x20 connector. Full size breadboard PCB and half size has support for Raspberry Pi , quarter size of breadboard has also support, but for smaller modules like a ESP8266 Wifi module or similar.


Assembly holes on Breadboard PCB

Depend on the type of breadboard PCB you will find on them from 2 up to 3 mounting holes. This is nice thing that after you are ready with you prototype you can firmly adapt proto board PCB directly in your application. Marking of the screw is shown in clear way so you can't missed them. Diameter of holes is 3.3mm, so any use any screw up to 3.2mm.


Support for SO08 SMD components

On the bottom side there are also footprints for SO08 packages. You can use them for example for FLASH or EEPROM memory, amplifier, small voltage stabilizer, timer like a NE555, basically everything with SO08 package.

SO08_SMT component_package_Protoboard_full__size_bottom_AwesomePCB

On the full sized Breadboard PCB you will find 3 footprints dedicated for SO08, and one 1/2 size and 1/4 size you will find one SO08 package.On the top side of proto board there is a silkscreen description which show you in clear way where those pins for SO08 are. Pins are also connected into the vertical strips like in standard bread board so you will get instantly access to the rest of prototyping pins.

SO08_SMT component_package_2_Protoboard_full__size_bottom_AwesomePCB

In addition SO08 received clear marking around pin number one, that you will assembly SO08 package correctly on prototype board.

Support for SMD like a 1206 package

It is also possible to solder SMD components on prototyping board. With litle bit of soledring skils you can also solder SMD components on bread board. Here is the example with 1206 resistors package.

SMD components on Protoboard_quarter_size_top_AwesomePCB_1

The copper pads go all the way through so you get great connections and you can solder on the top or on the bottom side of prototyping board.

Main features

Main details