
First Version

A project log for Electroetching a Branding Iron

Creating a branding iron in the workshop

richard-deiningerRichard Deininger 04/26/2017 at 07:001 Comment

The first version was made pretty quick and had all the major compnents.

I used an old metal stud I had laying around, cut it, sanded it, drilled it, threaded it and finally made a handle for it. Not to mention the etching part.

And then after some testing I found that I had to horizontaly flip the stencil (duh).


Richard Deininger wrote 04/26/2017 at 07:06 point

As you see I didn't take fotos of the etching... this will show up in part two.

Also the "stamp" was not only flipped horizontaly, it was also not very deep,... that's why my little bearded guy is blushing. ;)

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