
The clutch

A project log for Dangercycle

When a tricycle meets a lawnmower engine and two crazy chaps

frdric-druppelFrédéric Druppel 05/03/2017 at 13:161 Comment

If we feel like complicating things, we may look at a relatively simple yet really effective system : the double-cone clutch.

It's a bit more effective than a belt-tensioning system, but harder to make, but it's a kind of challenge ^^

there's a nice website to calculate the optimum dimensions and stuff for the needed application (well kind of) (link)

We'll see ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

image courtesy of here


M.daSilva wrote 05/03/2017 at 13:47 point

Let's see if we can get it on its wheels first :p

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