We can use the FPGA to do fast numerical integration to solve differential equation models of neurons. This page describes a couple of neuron models and their solution by DDA techniques. Eugene Izhikevich developed a simple, semiempirical, model of cortical neurons. There are two state variables for each neuron: v is the membrane potential and u is the membrane recovery variable. The differential equations, parameter settings and examples of model output are shown in


with a figure from Izhikevich's web site.

Implementation on the CycloneII FPGA
The model consists of several verilog modules which include (see also Ruben Guerrero-Rivera, et al below):

Two reciprocal pairs with electrical synapse between them.
The top-level module (and project archive) instantiates 4 neurons with the following connections:

  1. Neuron 1 spike output is connected to
    1. Neuron 2 through a synapse with weight -0.016
    2. Neuron 3 through an electrical synapse with rectification and a conductance of 1/64. Current flow occurs only if v1>v2.
    3. LED 1
  2. Neuron 2 spike output is connected to
    1. Neuron 1 through a synapse with weight -0.016
    2. LED 2
  3. Neuron 3 spike output is connected to
    1. Neuron 4 through a synapse with weight -0.016
    2. Neuron 1 through an electrical synapse with rectification and a conductance of 1/64. Current flow occurs only if v1>v2.
    3. LED 3
  4. Neuron 4 spike output is connected to
    1. Neuron 3 through a synapse with weight -0.016
    2. LED 4

The two pairs of cells sync up because the weak excitatory coupling provided by the electrical synapse tend to make cells 1 and 3 fire at the same time. Note that the electrical synapse module needs to know the voltage in both cells and can inject current into both cells.

Reciprocal pair with STDP-modifed synapse to a third neuron
The top-level module (and project archive) instantiates 3 neurons with the following connections:

  1. Neuron 1 spike output is connected to
    1. Neuron 2 through a synapse with weight -0.016
    2. Neuron 3 through a synapse with STDP and an initial weight of zero. The STDP weight increments are adjusted so that the firing of neuron 3 eventually syncs up with neuron one.
    3. LED 1
  2. Neuron 2 spike output is connected to
    1. Neuron 1 through a synapse with weight -0.016
    2. LED 2
  3. Neuron 3 spike is not used, just sent to LED 3 for monitoring

The three images below show the initial, unsynced voltages (neuron 1 on bottom, neuron 3 on top), an intermediate state, and the final conveged state generated by the verilog module above. Initially, both neurons are spontaneously active, but with zero synaptic connection weight between them. The Hebbian synapse is adjusted so that after a few thousand spikes, the coupling between cells slowly developes. In the intermediate state you can see that every other burst of neuron 1 is triggering a spike in neuron 3, but you can also see the small voltage generated by a subthreshold coupling. The final, equlibrium state shows one spike in neuron 3 for every burst in neuron 1.
