
Parts Scavanging

A project log for The Robot with Balls Experiment

A new kind of gearbox. Holonomic transmission, direct-drive and continuously-variable. From reverse to full-forward, and in any direction.

rogeorgeRoGeorge 07/19/2017 at 13:072 Comments

Electric motors are from an old rusty rack full of cassette-player mechanics. Motor model is SANKO, 6V, CCW, stabilized RPM. Google doesn't know much about the motor datasheet, must calculate the RPM, or at least measure it.


The balls are about the size of a ping-pong ball, but made out of 1-2 mm thick plastic instead of the brittle celluloid. They were initially scavenged from a roll-on bottle, in order to be used on a some 2 wheels platform as a replacement for a 3'rd caster wheel.


Dr. Cockroach wrote 07/19/2017 at 16:28 point

It is a grand adventure when using used / salvaged parts and materials. Your gearbox sounds very much out of the box and looking forward to seeing how it turns out :-)

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RoGeorge wrote 07/20/2017 at 10:19 point

Yep, salvaged parts are not exactly the best fit. Just realized that the motors are too fast. Will see how to overcome that. Thank you for following the project.

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