
Simple Traffic Light Controller with TM4C123 MCU

This is the working setup of LAB-10 of UTAUSTIN 6.10x online course on embedded systems available on edX.

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Using TM4C123GXL as the microcontroller, I have designed a traffic light controller with 2 sets of RYG LEDs for car and one on-board RGB LED for pedestrian. Lab 10 of UTAUSTIN 6.10x online course was about State Machines. I have used Moore state machines in writing the logic of the program. In total, there were 10 states in my FSM. Since lab 10 is a graded part of the online course, I've not uploaded my codes or the state transition table.

  • 1 × TM4C123GXL TI Cortex M4 Microcontroller
  • 6 × Colored LED 2 sets of RYG LEDs
  • 3 × Push buttons Used for car and pedestrian sensors
  • 9 × 10k resistor Used for pulling the push buttons to GND and limiting LED currents
  • 1 × Breadboard and wires

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Lalks wrote 07/30/2017 at 01:37 point

The TM4C123GXL board is really too much for this kind of application. Like... REALLY ! Why don't you challenge yourself using a simple 8-bit MCU without prototyping/evaluation board ? It would be a good idea. To be honest you can't call it a project.

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Pooya Moradi wrote 07/30/2017 at 08:12 point

You are right. As I said, it was just a lab assignment in that online class so we had the only option of implementing it on TM4C123. The purpose of the lab was teaching about state machines actually.

About the complexity of my post and not being good enough for calling it "a project", I thought I just use this place to document my experiences. I know, all in all, it was just a bunch of LEDs and switches. I didn't even provide my codes and state tables.

It is definitely not on par with the other projects here (like the open-source Raspberry Pie smartphone) but I think I can use this place to document my stuff. Maybe I'll upgrade it later, maybe I'll delete it altogether.

Thanks for the comment :)

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