
Project progress

A project log for Automatic Irrigation control

What do you do with an automatic irrigation controller that has gone wrong? Put an ESP8266 in it of course.

acuarioAcuario 09/04/2017 at 11:330 Comments


It became evident that trying to synchronise time and control by time without using an RTC would be complicated. To keep the unit synchronised it would need to sync to an NTP time server. This would mean connecting to the WiFi and would shorten battery life (the unit is not always in range). This defeated the low power usage.

As a result I decided to abandon 'real time'. It is, after all, a basic watering system so time of watering and duration isn't that critical. So a new implementation that just sets the watering duration and (approximate) delay between cycles in hours. Also this meand so need to actívate the WiFi RF side so more power saving.

Software is nearly ready, just a few things to clean up.
