

A project log for Automated Cigarette Non-Dispenser

A timed cigarette dispenser based on a hacked egg timer

julio-perezjulio perez 09/07/2017 at 12:390 Comments

I solved the problem of cigarettes coming across by covering the ramp with antiskating foam. There was just one jam around 6'500 but I decided to continue the test because it is no big deal in real life, especially if it only happens once every 5 years. The main objective was to check the resistance of the parts.

Two little comments:

Cigarettes flow only on the left half, due to the rotation direction of the rollers and the fact that they fall back into the tank in this area, but this doesn't prevent the machine from emptying itself completely, as we see it at the end of the video (with a discrete tap for the last 3).

As each cigarette is ejected approximately 150 times, I had to glue the tobacco so that they don't empty, there are some grease stains too, but I find the result quite aesthetic, especially the cross fades on the top left spring.

The complete timelapse doesn't have much interest, but I still offer it for insomniacs. 
