

A project log for LEDP10: Arduino Library for P10 LED Display Panels

An arduino library for driving single color LED panels with HUB12 interface.

devesh-samaiyaDevesh Samaiya 09/22/2017 at 05:102 Comments

Completed with the help of Deepak Agarwal in April 2017.


akhiiasati wrote 09/30/2018 at 15:48 point

will you please send me code for 8051 interfacinf with p10 (hub 12)

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deavong wrote 07/27/2018 at 11:23 point

Hi Devesh, 

It a welldone job, you have developed really a simple and optimised algorithm. 

I tried and ported it to STM32 Bluepill based on arduino. however, i have issues with flash memory read back of the fonts table. 

The displays is showing missing lines in every character displayed on the screen. Can you give helping hand?

I also wish if you can review the showmsg_double_static(num1,num2,0); and showmsg_single_static(num1,num2,0);  by including position (x,y) on the screen. this way, it will allow the user to select any display position on the screen.

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