
An eye for an eye

A project log for Obsidian

Hacking MorningStar

morningstarMorning.Star 01/25/2018 at 09:060 Comments

This morning I have an appointment with a psychologist, which is crucial to my case with Social Services.

There has been some dialog, but as usual when dealing with officialdom, they make it unofficial and use a phone call from a lackey. They havent responded at all to my email, which says a lot. They know full well that to do so would be to admit or deny their wrongdoings.

They can do neither; if they deny it the weight of evidence will crush them and prove them wrong, and if they admit it they lose anyway, but facts are facts. The social worker of course tried to dissuade me from taking my complaint further and even had the nerve to suggest the court would side with them over abusing Keri's rights, and using a disabled person to do it, thinking she'd get away with it.

And then there's me.

I have argument with the medical side of local authority as well. I wasnt going to drag this up, but I feel its necessary, its an old wound that never healed anyway.

Back when I first started caring for Bea alone, and while my ex partner was being abusive, I had a little flat in the top of town above an insurance agents I ran into some serious trouble. I dont know whether my ex partner had anything to do with it but it wouldnt surprise me... I popped over the local shop opposite my door for milk one evening and had to walk around a group of teenage girls kicking the sign outside, I didnt pay them much attention beyond the noise, which had woken Bea up. When I came back out of the shop she was standing in the window looking after she'd gone to bed, so I said 'Do you mind, love?' to the one with the hooves, pointing at the window, and then left them alone as she stopped, 'Ta...'

Seconds later I received a massive blow to my shoulder, which span me around, and then a fist broke my eye socket. I'd had the nerve to speak to the girlfriend of a local thug who'd just been let out of Juvenile detention and spent the day getting gloriously drunk, and who I didnt see behind the girls. He wrestled me to the ground and was going to beat me senseless, but the shopkeeper dragged him off and got punched for his trouble, and the then the little sod went mental and started smashing shop windows until he was arrested.

I stood in court months later still with half my eyeball red, and with bruising round the socket and put him away for 5 years, it got into the local paper as well. The court gave me papers to claim CICA compensation, which stated damage to vision was worth over £20,000.

However, there needed to be medical records. When I wrote to the hospital for my records, those files had conveniently gone missing, and there was no record of me being treated for a broken eye socket at all, or even attending opthalmology.

Strange how the papers and my personal opthalmic records both refer to the incident, and my prescription changed to include a corrective prism on that eye.

When I do drag these bastards into court, it will be extensive.

Well that was a complete waste of my time from the looks. The social worker had already got to the doctor, and all I got was a 15-minute session of sympathy and a couple of leaflets, after which she told me she'd discuss things with the social worker. In other words, they wont support me either.

I'll give them a few days to knock heads but I doubt anything will change.

Thats the final straw. I now have to get off of benefits so I can raise the funds for litigation.
