
Laser Cut Glasses

Laser cutting glasses frames to fit prescriptions glasses and outfit with LEDs for glowing frames

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Laser cut glasses frames to fit prescription lenses. LED add-ons will make the frames glow!

Open to contributors and input from anyone who wants to make cool prescription glasses on a laser cutter or CNC and/or wants to make some glowing glasses frames. The more the merrier!

Glasses 1 swirly bits mid Layer.png

Middle glasses layer, cut to contain lenses with no background

Portable Network Graphics (PNG) - 152.55 kB - 01/06/2018 at 18:04


Glasses 1 swirly bits back Layer white background.png

back glasses layer, cut to hold lenses in with white background

Portable Network Graphics (PNG) - 133.17 kB - 01/06/2018 at 18:04


Glasses 1 swirly bits back Layer.png

back glasses layer, cut to hold lenses in with no background

Portable Network Graphics (PNG) - 126.92 kB - 01/06/2018 at 18:04


Glasses 1 swirly bits front Layer white background.png

front glasses layer, cut for style in with white background

Portable Network Graphics (PNG) - 128.81 kB - 01/06/2018 at 18:04


Glasses 1 swirly bits mid Layer white background.png

Middle glasses layer, cut to contain lenses with white background

Portable Network Graphics (PNG) - 123.95 kB - 01/06/2018 at 18:04


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  • First set cut

    Stephen Tranovich01/08/2018 at 16:52 0 comments

    First round of cuts complete! 

    I cut the 3 layers in a clear acryllic and glued them together with Acryllic Cement. For this V1 my method of gluing was dipping the 3 layer pieces into the container. This process bound the frames well, and also left some bubble imperfections in it.

    The next step is to take it to the local glasses place and get my prescription filled!

  • Designing frames and getting started

    Stephen Tranovich01/06/2018 at 18:32 0 comments

    I recently admitted that I need glasses, and after avoiding them for many months (read: years) I decided it's time to stop avoiding the inevitable and start having some fun with it!

    The end vision is custom designed glasses frames filled with prescription lenses and with LED lighting I can turn on to look extra fancy.


    I looked around at different LED options and settled on the generic version of the Adafruit Mini Skinny Neopixels because they are half the size of typical Neopixel strips (5mm compared to 10mm). I am still a little worried these may be too thick still, but we shall see in 12-20 days when they come in from aliexpress.

    With it is being shipped a usb led controller. I want to do custom LED designs by the end, but this will help us have a fun, function project sooner and streamline testing a little bit. []


    While we wait for those to arrive we can test out making frames that hold lenses. 

    3 pieces of acryllic will be used in layers to hold the frames in [1/16 inch, 3/32 inch, 1/16 inch = 5.5mm total thickness]. I suppose wood could also be used if the LED additions are not desired. 

    I spent last night making some designs for the printer to test. I will be using the laser cutter at Noisebridge in San Francisco. On this laser cutter I've had a lot of success working directly with PNG files. Once these designs are solidified working I will share the .dxf files for direct to printer use.

    Excited to get cutting soon!

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