
Background reading

A project log for ZX81 hi-res graphics board G007

By Gary Keall. 256x192 pixels. Patches BASIC so you can PLOT(n,x,y) instead of USR(addr) calls.

keithKeith 10/07/2023 at 02:450 Comments

The basic principles of ZX video are fairly simple but there are many details that I'd rather not have to learn.

Someone who does fully understand ZX81 video - the remarkable Andy Rea - pointed me to articles written by an earlier expert, Wilf Rigter, in the ZXirQLiveAlive magazine:

Vol 6 No 4 page 19 (part 1)

Vol 7 No 1 page n27 (part 2)

Vol 10 No 3 page 7 (part 4)

Googling around, I found it in HTML (and German) and got Chrome to translate it. This gives a more readable form than the scanned magazine articles. There are a few errors such as figure numbers so I polished it up to my own style.

I've learned some interesting tricks that I'd like to incorporate into my own future designs. 
