
IR+PWM: C.H.I.P.2Samsung remote control

A project log for TV Remote Control via Offline Speech Recognition

A low cost, open-source, universal-like remote control system that translates the user's spoken words into commands to electronic devices.

cassio-batistaCassio Batista 08/26/2018 at 15:010 Comments

I just finished the instruction to send remote commands from C.H.I.P. to the Samsung TV. I also gave some details about our journey to find a way to access C.H.I.P.'s PWM0 pin. The lib can be found on one of Erick's GitHub repository.

-- CB.

Edit:I found a video demonstration of the system. It's uploaded on the files section of this project. Unfortunately there isn't any logs on screen for you to see, but believe me: his code was running on C.H.I.P.

-- CB.
