
Gesture recognition technology

I want to create a system which runs through the i/p given by the user and according to the gestures it will perform the defined activity.

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I don't just want to create system that works only on gestures but also want to add technology of voice recognition. I mean to say if user says close then currently running activity should be closed and if it make cross through fingers then also currently running activity should be closed.Hence System should be able to work on both gestures and voice.
I have less than one and half year to complete this and don't know from where to start it.
So, please just help so that i can initiate my project.

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hdjaj746 wrote 08/02/2023 at 15:20 point

Internet and communication technology (ICT) has linked people all over the world through the internet, enabling social networking, immediate contact, and access to a wealth of information.

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tabunity8 wrote 08/02/2023 at 12:05 point

Space technology involves the design and development of systems used in space exploration, satellite communication, astronomy, and more.

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Fudge wrote 12/26/2014 at 22:20 point


the sparkfun gesture like you want

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