

LumiNode incorporates smart light system that can reproduce color from any image in RGB color space with intensity adjustment capability.

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LumiNode is a verstaile bluetooth based lighting system developed using Arduino Platform. Its is able to grab any color in the rgb spectrum from an image and reflect it. It also has super bright white LEDs for purposes like reading, photography and much more. Its different from other similar devices in a way that it is completely open sourced giving users the complete freedom to customize it as they want. Its application has no barrier.

The hardware can be broken down into three parts:
1. Main LED board
2. Power supply unit
3. Arduino based controller with HC05 module

The LED board(PCB) is made of four RGB leds and four super bright white led along with a driver IC. The design is completely made in Eagle6.6.0 and it is recommended to thoroughly go to the design files before making it. The power supply board and control board is designed in a way to stack them together. The HC-05 module goes in between this two boards.
The android app is written in MIT App Inventor.


LED board schematic

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