
some updates

A project log for Access B

Create applications in Visual Studio C# that can communicate with a 18F2550 and use it's peripherals

omarOmar 03/19/2015 at 23:390 Comments

Hi to all, well I decided to change some thing in C# code, using methods like:

AccessB.Regvalue(address, value)

Was Ok at the begining, but I decided to change simply to this:

AccessB.TRISA = 0xFF;
AccessB.TRISAbits_TRISA0 = 1;
PORTAValue = AccessB.PORTA;
PORTA_RA0 = AccessB.PORTAbits_RA0;
That is more direct and easy to use, also all the module enable functions will be removed from the PIC firmware, because enabling/disabling is only set or clear bits and that can be done from C# code using the methods to access bit registers. Soon I will upload the files with the updates.
