
SRAM Completed

A project log for PIC MCUs Based Homebrew Computer

The goal: to make a working computer, with a keyboard input, LCD Display output, a compiler and to have fun all the way. NEWBIE ALERT

davedave 02/04/2015 at 17:170 Comments

The SRAM part of the project is now complete and fully wired with the motherboard. It is not yet mounted on it though. Addressing of RAM works, writing data works, reading data works. :) Makes me smile.

Above is the finished SRAM module. It uses Chiplus 256K S-RAM IC and two PIC16F723A mcus to drive it. Both controller mcus are using mym custom made TDP protocol for communication with cpu mcu.

and the bottom side.

What follows? Well, the keyboard would come in handy. So I guess I will resume with that. Tomorrow I must order some -much needed- additional components.

Have a wonderful day everybody.
