
Breadboard Implementation (NPN)

A project log for Bench Power Supply

Designing an open source, modular bench power supply to rule them all.

the-big-oneThe Big One 03/02/2015 at 16:580 Comments

I picked up the parts last week, and over the weekend I wired up a single channel (positive, using an NPN transistor) on the breadboard. Despite a couple false starts due to bad components (most notably the current limiting transistor, an old N2222 from my parts bin, caused all sorts of troubles before completely shorting out and exploding), it is now working. So far it only uses pots for V_SET and I_SET, the next step is to integrate the MCU.

I have done very little testing so far, but what I have seen looks promising. More info to come as it is available.

Along with the breadboarding comes some new design points:

An updated schematic is below.

