

Play and create games using the BBC Micro:bit

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Many moons ago I bought a Micro:bit. Great little machine created by the BBC for use in computer education. Fell in love with it instantly. Then I thought how amazing it would be if you could make and play other people's games using the Micro:bit and some extra components like an OLED display, switches and so on. This is how the Bit:Boy was born :)

Coming soon ...

  • Bit:boy using Bluetooth to play Android games

    Stef64kb02/23/2018 at 11:21 0 comments

    Thanks to the Bluetooth capabilities of the BBC Micro:bit we can use the Bit:boy to play some games like Nemesis, Super Mario or Pang running on an Android device.

  • 3D Cube on a Bit:Boy

    Stef64kb02/16/2018 at 10:08 0 comments

    Here you can see the Bit:Boy displaying and rotating a 3D Cube in real-time. I was well impressed to see it could still run smoothly and beyond 60 fps.

  • Video showing basic functionality

    Stef64kb02/10/2018 at 19:03 0 comments

    This is the current state of the project. So far it's possible to play some Arduboy and Gamebuino games. It's not 100% compatible with those systems because that's not the goal of this project. I am working on it's own API and I hope it will be easier to use. It runs at 60 Fps or more :) Check out this video to see it in action if you have a chance:

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