
I've Been Banned

A project log for Open Source Maritime Instrument Project

Open Source Instruments for Water Based Vehicles and Systems, Focused on Affordable Data Collection and Quantification.

paul-brunoPaul Bruno 05/19/2015 at 19:052 Comments

The open source project mentioned previously, that forms a core component of my main open maritime instrument system, has banned me for a single polite post criticizing their behavior. If anyone has faced this kind of bait and switch when integrating work released under GPL3 Non-Com, Attrib. please PM me. This effectively puts my progress back a year.


Paul Bruno wrote 05/25/2015 at 00:44 point

Since your original unedited post included details only available to members of the community who is blocking my commentary and project progress, I am guessing you are trolling for information. Please do not interfere with my project.

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Togetherness Tshabalala wrote 05/23/2015 at 19:00 point

That is terribl.  why they can ban you?

Anyways - why need them for ship?

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