
Live at Liverpool Makfest

A project log for WEEDINATOR 2019

The WEEDINATOR project continues .... The inevitability of robots working on farms draws ever nearer ....

capt-flatus-oflahertyCapt. Flatus O'Flaherty ☠ 06/30/2018 at 14:430 Comments

Up at 5.00 am and off on the road - We met a whole load of interesting people in Liverpool today, with interesting questions asked and some potential technical solutions suggested:

* Use RFID chips in the ground for super accurate positioning on the beds of vegetables.

* Install ballast resistor in regenerative circuit in motor drives for absorbing current generated when going downhill.

* Use spiral metal shroud on lead. Crews to protect from dust

* Dial up a WEEDINATOR like an Uber cab to come and weed your garden.

* Add voice message "Get off my land" followed by "Click Clunk" sound of shotgun reloading.

* Stistically, more people will come to your event / stand if you offer them free pizza.
