
Compiler Improvements

A project log for Smaller C

Small and simple C compiler for x86 (DOS, Windows, Linux, Mac OS X) and MIPS (RetroBSD).

alexey-frunzeAlexey Frunze 05/23/2015 at 11:110 Comments

Now supporting structure passing/returning by value on both x86 and MIPS!

Also, string literals no longer limited to some 254 (or was it 126?) chars and array/structure initialization can be not only fully, but also minimally and inconsistently bracketed (sic), e.g.:

    int y[4][3] = { 1, 3, 5, 2, 4, 6, 3, 5, 7 };
    struct { int a[3], b; } w[] = { { 1 }, 2 };

Smaller C starts to look like a real and usable compiler!
