

An STM32F4 circuit board with emphasis on analog input

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This project describes a circuit board for the STM32F405RG microcontroller with four low-noise high speed opamps (AD8027) for signal conditioning of analog input. Power is drawn from USB, and the digital and analog parts of the circuit have separate low-noise regulators.

The MCU is in a LQFP64 package, so not all the pins are exposed, and furthermore the PCB doesn't break out all the exposed pins. With the chip's alternate function mapping it should be possible to get access to most peripherals.

While the board is intended for USB-connectivity, it's possible to use the MCU's other communication peripherals. JTAG is broken out on a dedicated connector.

The board was developed as a part of The Otter DIY Raman spectrometer, to drive and read the linear CCD (TCD1304).


The STM32F405RG was chosen because this is the smallest (physically and computationally) F4 with 3 ADCs, and the only foundation line STM32F4 mcu in an LPFQ64 package. Incidentally, it is also the chip used in the STM32F4stamp which I initially looked to for inspiration.

The MCUs in the STM32F4 family are more or less pin-compatible provided the package is the same, but certain pins may differ eg. Vcap1/2, so other F4's may be used without radical changes to the circuit.

The MCU is connected to a mini-USB B socket and by setting up the microcontroller as a USB-device nothing else should be required for communication.

Another (perhaps more obvious) choice for an MCU for a break-out board with good analogue capabilities would be something from the STM32F3-line.

The opamps

The ADCs of the STM32F405 have 12-bit resolution and a range from 0-Vdd. They can run at full speed (36MHz) when the supply voltage is between 2.4V and 3.6V. This circuit provides a Vdd of 3.3V meaning the ADC-range is 0-3.3V.

To utilize the full range of the ADCs the analog input will most likely need conditioning ie. scaling (gain) and level shifting. The PCB provides two inputs through AD8027 opamps in inverting and non-inverting mode respectively.

Inverting mode:

The schematic for the inverting opamps is (in brief):

The gain is:

G = - R₂/R₁

The level shift is:

S = R₄/(R₃+R₄)·(1+R₂/R₁)·Vref

The output voltage is:

Vout = G·Vin + S = -R₂/R₁·Vin + R₄/(R₃+R₄)·(1+R₂/R₁)·Vref

The PSU for the analog section delivers ±4.65V, and Vref is connected to +4.65V.

Non-inverting mode:

The schematic for the inverting opamps is (in brief):

The gain is:

G = (1 + R₂/R₁)

The level shift is:

S = -R₂/R₁·Vref

The output voltage is:

Vout = G·Vin + S = (1 + R₂/R₁)·Vin - R₂/R₁·Vref

The PSU for the analog section delivers ±4.65V, and Vref is connected to a voltage divider between -4.65V and +4.65V.

My initial choice for the opamp was the AD8021, but simulations in LTspice indicated that Vout wouldn't be able reach 3.3V with this particular chip even when bypassing the LDOs to get a ±5V supply. The AD8027 is a rail-to-rail high-speed precision opamp used for 16-bit ADCs and does not have this problem, but depending on the signal-range the select pin should either be floating or connected to V+ to avoid having the opamp's crossover point in the signal. Refer to the datasheet.

The power supply

The circuit is powered from 5V USB. The digital and analog parts of the circuit have separate supplies.

The supply for the MCU is handled by a LT1763 (3.3V 500mA) low-noise LDO.

The dual supply for the opamps features a LM2662 voltage inverter (200mA) and two low-noise LDOs. One negative (LT1964) and one positive (LT1962), who each deliver

Vout = ±1.22V(1+R₂/R₁) = ±1.22V(1+59k/22k) = ±4.65V

The LDOs noise-levels are in the range 20-30µV, well below the ADC's tolerance for the LSB:

3.3V/2¹²  = 0.81mV

Available GPIOs

The circuit board is for an STM32F405 in a LQFP64 package, so not every GPIO is exposed and furthermore not all pins are broken out. Still, with the chips alternate function mapping, most peripherals should be accessible. Here's the list of the accessible pins:

Dedicated analog input

PC0 - PC3

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  • 1st board assembled

    esben rossel06/16/2018 at 05:44 0 comments

    the title says everything.

    I had some difficulties hitting the right combination of resistors for the opamp. I guess Vref in the opamp circuit should have come from a voltage reference rather a simple voltage divider, and also I should have paid more attention to and money for the resistors in the PSU-section as ±4.65 is more like + 4.660V / -4.365V.

    But everything turned out well in the end. Output from the CCD now looks like this:

    rather than this:

    Improvements in noise is probably from setting the scope to 12-bits instead of 10, but the interesting part is that the output for zero light is 145mV, and a full saturation is 3.23 V. Fairly close to the boundaries of the ADC's range.

    Next up is porting the firmware for the STM32F401 to the STM32F405 and redirecting communication to USB. The first part willl be easy, I'm less certain about the USB-part, but I've completed the first step: Getting the MCU recognized as virtual com port (ttyACM) on my laptop.

  • Boards

    esben rossel05/25/2018 at 13:41 0 comments

    The PCBs have finally arrived and after a few trial runs/failures with 0603, there's this:

    Opamps are still not fitted, and there was an error in the circuit around the switches.

    The PSU-sections work, and when the Dfu bootloader runs the MCU is identified correctly by my laptop, and the LED blinks. In short everything seems to work.

    I "just" have to figure out how to setup the chip as a virtual com port.

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