
Raspberry Pi GPIO Tests

A project log for Nixie 'Display of Things'

Use a combination of six Nixie tubes with a 16x2 LCD display and Pi2 with Adafruit Proto-Perma HAT to display information.

jon-davies-woodyJon Davies "Woody" 05/27/2015 at 00:220 Comments

Just a quick log entry to share my initial foray into using the Adafruit T-Cobbler with the Raspberry Pi 2 to test output from the GPIO.

I decided the easiest way to get started on programming with GPIO was to use something with which I am already familiar. In this case, I am experienced in developing with the Arduino platform, and fortunately there is a Wiring library for Raspberry Pi called 'WiringPi'. Of course, the first and best test program to make is an LED Blinker :) After this, I tinkered with the SoftPWM library, but on retrospect I doubt I'll be using this in my final library code.
