
More LED Work

A project log for Binary Pomodoro Timer

Binary LED countdown timer for productivity.

robbie-nicholsrobbie nichols 05/28/2015 at 06:230 Comments

It turns out that my green LEDs either need more current to be as bright as the others or they have a much higher voltage drop than my original estimate. I think I'll end up putting in 47ohm resistors in for them. I didn't measure the current going through the green or the voltage drop. Maybe I should try to do that.

I also filed the resistor edges to get them in nice even rows. I started filing each one until I figured out I only needed to file every other one. I just clamped the file down to my bench and ran the LEDs across it a few times. It was actually easier than I expected.

The LEDs are on the perf, so next time I pick this project up, it will be the resistor work.
