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A project log for Exploring a LAS Model 209(e) Flight Data Recorder

Exploring a vintage flight data recorder

katie-fortunatoKatie Fortunato 06/28/2017 at 17:400 Comments

Well, that took... a while.

I've finally updated this project, and while I anticipate that work will continue to be slow on it, many detailed photos have been uploaded, and I plan to take a few more once I take the thing apart further. In particular, the motor, tape casing, and external connector will have more detailed shots in the coming weeks. I hope to do a detailed trace of where the connector's pins go, and possibly a more detailed layout of each board.

I'm still looking for a copy of any service manuals for this device (or similar models if available). Digital, physical, whatever. Hopefully though, this update finally gives you some information to go on if you want to help me decode what each card does, and how they're connected.
