
Custom PCB Completed!

A project log for Urban Kitchen Garden

Open Source Arduino controlled counter-top garden for growing vegetables, herbs, or greens for sustainable foods right in your own home.

eric-wiiliamEric Wiiliam 07/28/2015 at 05:190 Comments

Well I finally took the plunge today and began designing the PCBs for both my projects. The board for the Urban Kitchen Garden was definitely a challenge for me being completely new to Fritzing. After numerous mistakes and tonnes of routing issues I finally settled on a layout I think will work (although I can already see many areas I could improve).

I took all the remaining (unused) pins for the 328 micro controller and broke them out so future additions can easily be made. This will allow anyone to use the remaining spare I/O for anything they wish! I even gave each a 5V and Ground pin so no messing around needs to be done- just hook up your component and add your desired code. I'm really glad I took the time to do this :)

I exported the files and headed to OSH Park to get them ordered. I already had a gift code from a Hackaday early bird prize so the cost was free!

Hopefully I didn't make too many mistakes. I labelled the revision right on the board so I should be able to correct and release new files if there is trouble. For now I'll hold off posting the files until I can verify it functions :) After that it will be posted here for all to download and enjoy. Hopefully everyone who decides to replaicate this project can take the files and make them better so all can benefit.

This has been on of my favorite projects ever. Simple, effective and the personal satisfaction of creating- priceless.


