
ST014 - 1D/15.5C/.5B/.375N/335P

A project log for High Power Experimental Rocket Platform

Experimental high power rocket with active stabilization, live telemetry, autonomous GPS guided recovery and HD video

j-m-hopkinsJ. M. Hopkins 07/25/2015 at 03:230 Comments

Tested my 15.5 inch casing today on my new thrust measuring stand. The stand was set to max at 135lbs of thrust and the motor exceeded this for most of its .8 seconds burn time.This puts the motor into the mid I class.

I also prepared the 16" casing which I believe will be my final iteration of 1" motors providing a max Kn of 455.

Sorry for the image, but I didn't bother transferring the video after failure of maximum thrust measurement.

And here's an image showing the size difference between 11" low Kn and the 16" high Kn (455) motors.
