
Files available for download. If anyone still cares, that is.

A project log for biohand - Low cost 3D printed hand prosthesis

Development of a robust low cost 3D printed hand prosthesis using off-the-shelf components.

martin-vincent-bloedornMartin Vincent Bloedorn 03/16/2018 at 23:330 Comments

Well, this is akward.

I worked on this Project during my graduation thesis. Upon finishing my thesis and presenting it, I thought "ok, I need to do some minor clear ups and changes to the Biohand, and then I'll upload all the files".

Well, then life got in the way.  I ended up shelving the project due to  work and other time constraints, and eventually lost access to the computer I used for the CAD modelling. Sooner or later the whole thing escaped my mind and here we are, two and a half years later. 

Well, if you're still into it, CAD models and PCBs are now in the Git repo. No firmware exists for it, as I've lost the prototype I had at the time (or so I assume, at least). 
