
Great News!

A project log for The Kasei Initiative

Working to kick start the robot revolution. It is coming, and the Kasei Initiative will play an important role.

mister-malwareMister Malware 07/28/2015 at 20:390 Comments

Due to recent developments, I'm back in the running this year. Woo hoo!

I've got 10 mini servos on the way since the DC motor solution is just not working out and seems completely unfeasible. First, there's the lack of motion control, and second, considering I need to get specific transistors and diodes, the extra price of servos is a small price to pay for increased functionality and overall better performance, plus less of a stress on my part. Of the servos, 4 will be devoted to Kagaku (unless I need more) and the other 6 for other projects (probably a quadcopter/drone).

Due to the stall I have had, for the first major deadline I'll be focusing on hardware rather than software so that I can get him mobile and (hopefully) battery operated. While I'm waiting on the servos, I'll be sorting out the controller chassis (a Gamecube controller), wiring in the joystick and setting up his "body". If there's still a wait on the servos, then I'll shift my attention to finishing up his face and creating a voice for him (thank you Wine + Speakonia).

On the topic of the software, due to the advantages of vector graphics, better storage space, etc. I will give Scratch another chance and make it online-based. I would love to go with a different programming language and set it up via cloud or a server (I've got an old desktop for the server portion), but I'll be focusing on the basics first.

Goals to be done by the 17th:

- Wire in the joystick

- Set up the servos

- Finish graphics for his face

- Set up his body

- Hopefully have him battery powered

- Video tape what I have in action

Hopefully things go fairly well from here (and I feel as though I have said that already).

- Mister Malware (on behalf of Kagaku as well)
