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A project log for operation: Learn The MIPS (PIC32MX1xx/2xx/370)

Having been exclusive to a certain uC-line for over a decade, it's time to learn something new (and port commonCode!)... Enter MIPS

eric-hertzEric Hertz 07/04/2015 at 14:400 Comments

_commonCode's 'heartbeat' program is now running on the PIC32! Woot!

So... basically... that means the _commonCode *system* now works with the PIC32 and its toolchain, so I guess it's time to start doing some code-abstraction (where necessary).

Actually, there's some learning to be done... The "fade cycle" is supposed to be 8 seconds, so obviously I need to look into the timers. And peripherals in general, and registers... and basically, I know nothing about this chip ;)

...actually, I should probably get the full/functional schematic and pinouts and whatnot documented soon, if not first... Nevermind the procedure/configuration for flashing via JTAG... as it stands, that's a FTDI2232H breakout-board used as a JTAGger. (and, no, /MCLR is not connected to nT/SRST). I'm using openOCD 0.90 (anything above 0.60 should work). Programming the flash takes about 10 minutes, but it's "falling back from bulk-write mode"--ish so there's probably a configuration I could change to make it faster.

Oh, and... there were a few things I had to figure out regarding getting _commonCode to run with xc32-gcc, which required using a separate "fork" (maybe?) resulting in a lot of general compatibility improvements, etc... so that should be merged at some point.
