
This is a major event

A project log for The End of an Evil Industry

Ending big tobacco through the disruptive power of 3D printing and opensource hardware. Saving peoples lives and money.

conklinnickconklinnick 10/26/2015 at 17:230 Comments

Puffing good shit, even though that bullshit's cheaper

It's magic, we're turning this bag into ether

Yo, is your hand on the wheel?

Steer, you in control

Take your foot off the gas now hit cruise control

Well hackers I'm sad to say this will probably be the last update from me. I recently became unemployed again due to the job I landed being too physically demanding. It sucks being 20 and sick. It sucks even more when due to political bullshit you are forced to relocated to another coast of the country leaving behind family and friends while being sick and in turn struggle to hold a job.

I want to give a shout out to:

DIY Animatronics

for suggesting I leave this here. While it might not have the ease of putting a bottle on a linear actuator and letting it mix, this syringe rack will certainly get the job done. I'm sure if anyone is motivated enough to build one of these I have certainly laid the ground work on this project. I just don't have the funds to invest myself at this moment in time.
