
Updated components list

A project log for GPS Receiver for Nikon D3100 Cameras

An inexpensive and more accurate GPS receiver accessory for Nikon D3100 (and compatible) cameras.

kevinKevin 08/29/2015 at 03:561 Comment

I've added a couple of capacitors to the parts list. They will be placed across the 5V and ground lines feeding the AVR microcontroller. I'm also thinking of dropping the 3.6V regulator in favour of a resistor and 4.7 volt zener to drop the camera voltage down from the 6V it supplies when fully charged. I don't want to drop the voltage powering the AVR too much as the camera might not recognize the GPS data if the signal from the AVR doesn't have a high enough output. I'll have to run a test to determine the lowest signal level I can feed the camera and still have it able to read the GPS data.


frankstripod wrote 08/29/2015 at 14:12 point

Thanks for the updates. Can't wait to see more progress on this :)

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