
PCBs have arrived!

A project log for Croquet Ball Randomizer

A overly complicated machine that randomizes player color selection for four-player Croquet

martin-lindskogMartin Lindskog 07/16/2015 at 11:530 Comments

I will use an arduino for the randomizing and sequencing. While I have experience with several hardware platforms, I value short set-up and development time and good community support over performance and price. It was also a good opportunity to try it out!

I designed a simple breakout-board to simplify installation. Also gave me an opportunity to test OSH Park.

I chose to use hole-mounted components to be able to easily modify the design when it is in place outside, by the croquet court.

It has connections to five servos, some various power supply options as well as a number of buttons to start the mixing sequence. I've also included expansion possibilities for IR gates, which might be used in a future update of the system (I plan to use suitable delays in the first revision)
