
3D printed test jig for LPS

A project log for LPS Mini

Arduino compatible indoor navigation system with small form factor.

gran-nordahlGöran Nordahl 03/30/2016 at 05:142 Comments

LPS Mini does not need a test jig, it is just to plug it into a TE Connectivity 5650712-1. its bigger sibling LPS is a bit more complicated to test. Luckily a test jig is easily made using a 3D printer and pogo pins! Keep in mind that high temperature filament is required to avoid misalignment/deformation while soldering in cables to the pogo pins.


fletort wrote 04/14/2017 at 12:35 point

Yes !!! I was thinking to use a 3D printer to put some pogo pin to can test one of my board. How do you put the pogo pin inside your piece ? Did you put the exactly hole to can insert them ?

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Niklas Casaril wrote 05/24/2016 at 12:16 point

Wow, impressive!

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