

A project log for Valify V2 Robot Lawnmower

3D Printed Jetson TX2 based robotic lawnmower aims to build an "smart" robotic lawnmower using open technology

robin-frjdRobin Fröjd 05/16/2018 at 05:450 Comments
Tonight I have begun building the robot's URDF for better and nicer visualization in RVIZ when driving around. I also hooked up the 9DOF to test and confirm its functionally .I am using the (SparkFun 9DoF Razor IMU M0 - SEN-14001) and it was not easy to get it to work over ROS, but finally it did ;-)The URDF will be an exact copy of the real robot and I will mostly use combined STL´S files as meshes for the URDF.
ROS Valify Urdf
ROS Valify Urdf
