

Yet another GPS tracker

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Protect against bicycle theft
Data transmitted via GSM
User is in complete control of system via mobile application / sms commands
When a command via GSM is received, last known location is sent via SMS or a log file with known tracking coordinates. If bicycle is not in GPS covered range, you will have the last known location of it (before entering indoor for example)
System can be improved further by having a Blue tooth tracking for low range detection (if you are in a block and last known position is the entrance of the block.

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deʃhipu wrote 10/04/2015 at 15:36 point

And how do you prevent the thief from just removing it, without blocking the range of the gps and gsm antennas?

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f.lazar wrote 10/04/2015 at 16:13 point

a fair question, the ideea was to put it inside the bar.Was intended for fiber carbon bicycles that are more expensive but i assumed  that there you do not have the problem of shielding.Lack of money and time prevent us to have it tested in real life (we have it functional at  lab model level).Another ideea was to build it in a pipe and also build the pipe from a non metal material but there is the volume problem- not enough space for battery.But that is too much for us. Anyhow, project is dead now, maybe will come to life if someone will be interested, i've spent enough money on it but i have a small toy that can send packages of data via GSM...I've placed it only for 1 inch contests

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davedarko wrote 10/04/2015 at 15:34 point

interesting, how do you power it? 

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f.lazar wrote 10/04/2015 at 16:15 point

battery under the device, everithing on a cilinder of battery diametter- that was the ideea

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