
Stepper motors: simple & discrete components

A project log for Supercon talk: a pragmatic guide to motor controls

Developing my first hardware con talk in the open

jonathan-beriJonathan Beri 11/08/2015 at 21:482 Comments

I must admit I have a hard time figuring out a use case for controlling stepper motors with discrete components. You might want want something simple for educational purposes, but that's about it. The challenge is you need to excite each coil of a stepper motor (2 or more) in succession and that requires digital logic. At the very least you need a flip-flop and a PWM, which puts us in the "common ICs" territory.

I realized I may want to slightly re-jigger the talk but more on that later.


Eric Hertz wrote 11/09/2015 at 10:55 point

I was pleasantly-surprised recently to discover that Bipolar steppers use Quadrature, and directly-controlled 'em via H-Bridges and the electro-optics from a mouse :) Kinda ridiculous, but there's something quite rewarding about moving a motor positionally with the positioning of your hand... and the circuit's so friggin' simple.

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Jonathan Beri wrote 11/09/2015 at 16:00 point

That's pretty handy to know if you're building something like a robot arm with many steppers and before you've finalized the inverse kinematics!

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