
Not going to make it :-(

A project log for 1 Inch Rover

A small robot for the 1 inch square competition. It will at least have 2 motors a sensor, hopefully more than 1.

happyfoxHappyFox 12/22/2015 at 06:111 Comment

I am not going to make the deadline. :-(

My wife went into surgery a last Monday and took longer than expected to recover. I got my parts on Tuesday. :-/

I managed to get a board put together, but there is a issue with the power system. I don't have any time to diagnose the issue.

I still intend to complete the rover. I may make it larger to use easier to solder parts. But first I have to diagnose the power system!


deʃhipu wrote 12/22/2015 at 14:22 point

I hope that your wife is feeling better. Don't worry about the contest -- you still made a great design and I'm sure the rover will be great once you finish it! Take your time, it will be better.

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