
Memtype beta units already soldered

A project log for Memtype: Open Source Password Keeper

Memtype, an elegant solution to have your credentials stored everywhere.

miguelMiguel 01/01/2016 at 15:422 Comments

As you can see on the next picture we have soldered the units.

We will start shipping Memtypes to those people who have replied the shipping address to us.

Happy new year !!

Noel & Miguel.


denzphee wrote 01/03/2016 at 23:22 point

Nice and neat! Just let us know how you want us to test and we'll put these gizmos through their paces.

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Noel Carriqui wrote 01/04/2016 at 00:32 point

@denzphee haha no special point to test, general use should provide enough information but you can be as creative as you want haha :)

 We expect a high amount of issues and improvements coming out of using them on different operating systems and hardware, also from your tips, or thoughts. 

The more information, the better the result will be :)

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