
Prototype - worth every penny

A project log for AND!XOR DEFCON 24 Badge

Building our own electronic badge. ARM Cortex M3 and Arduino based

zappZapp 03/27/2016 at 16:330 Comments

This week we received the prototypes in the mail from OSHPark. Very exciting since this puts all the components on a single board, no more breadboard for us. Here are the differences in the prototype from the breadboard:

  1. 8Mbit flash
  2. USB Type A connector
  3. 5 way navigation switch rather than 5 buttons
  4. 8 WS2812B LEDs rather than just 4
  5. SMA connector for an antenna
  6. 3.3v LDO
  7. Components moved from SPI1 to SPI2

This has been a valuable learning experience to say the least. We found that the USB and OLED display had swapped pins (oops!), SMA footprint didn't fit our connector, and our USB is missing a pullup resistor. We've since found workarounds for all of those and now all the major components are working.

Next step is to get the Flash working to offload the graphics from our main code saving 13k and get USB to work so we can work on a serial protocol for controlling the badge.
