
Another software update

A project log for eXaDrums

Electronic drums for Linux

jeremyJeremy 03/08/2016 at 19:480 Comments

Hi guys,

I've been working on the SoundProcessor again, but also on the drum module. Things are all coming together nicely so far. The git branch is now 16 commits ahead of the master branch.

Things are becoming very flexible since I've created a separate configuration file for the triggers. They are now held by the drum module, which means that they are not part of the instruments anymore. That's what makes the while software more flexible. No need to think about a hi-hat as a "special" instrument anymore! Now a hi-hat will just be an instrument that uses two (or more) triggers (one for the pedal, and one or more for the cymbal). And those triggers have a configuration that doesn't depend on the instruments that use them. That also means that another instrument can use the trigger that's fixed to the hi-hat pedal. For example the pitch of a tom can change according to the pedal position.

I'll keep working on that until it's ready for the tests. Then, I'll solder a second sensor to the board, and see if I can test a two-sensor instrument. After that, I'm going to focus on the sound effects, which should allow me to create a proper hi-hat instrument. At that stage, it'll be a working system, and I'll start to focus on the GUI. There's still a lot of work before that, but it's going to work pretty well, for sure.

